About Jorge Pena
Artist Statement
What is the meaning of art for me? Art is how I express myself by translating onto a surface what I have in my heart and mind. I am governed by my ancestry, which is Afro Colombian, influenced by memories of my childhood, my journey through life, in Colombia and in the USA. I have not had a conventional art career, as I was an entomologist for 40 years of my life; however, drawing and painting have always been my way that I have used to communicate.
In the beginning, I painted flowers, for the most part orchids in water color media. Nonetheless, I felt that other media, i.e., oils and acrylics, would be how I would express myself. I have been very impressed (I still am) by the impact that Mexico and their people has had on me. The colors, their music, their expressions left an imprint in me, and I started painting market scenes, stone-cobbled streets, and more.
This was followed by attending workshops with several known artists, such as Skip Lawrence, John Lorence, Martha Wakefield, and Adeline Goldminc-Tronzo. Since then I have been searching for my true self. I hope that you can visualize what I am trying to do. Of course, my Colombia is within me, the images and memories of the country where I was born, grew up and spent my youth are reflected in my work.
Mostly, I am an art student still learning, still evolving, still searching.
Jorge Pena lives on the coast of Maine. His artistic spirit spreads out of his studio and onto a picturesque lawn and growing sculpture garden he maintains. Though he began his career as a scientist, Jorge’s life now embodies his passions for art and education. If you are interested in purchasing any of his work, please reach out here.